Quantum spin Techonology

Creating a New World

with Qubit Control


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Qubit energy

Today, we need new preparations to adapt to the changing times.
While blessed mass production technology has succeeded in supporting society
However, the potential of organic and inorganic materials is often not fully exploited due to energy loss that occurs in multiple steps in the production process, distortion of information that supports the material structure, and other factors.
The potential of organic and inorganic materials is not fully utilized in many cases.
In order to solve these problems, we are conducting research from the viewpoint of quantum information physics.
We are working to improve the quality of food and other products, to contribute to resource conservation, and to enhance environmental vitality.
We are working to solve social problems such as health and environmental issues by improving the quality of food and other products, contributing to the conservation of resources, and improving environmental vitality.

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Qubit control

about Us

Our company have Qubit(quantum spin) technolory .

Our mission is support for the world and life.